Forest Portal in Slowakia ...more about it here

Airport Düsseldorf - Noise reduction Monitoring (german)
Special Use Airspace & Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace

US Geological Survey - National water quality mapping site

Oracle eLocation Services Test Drive

Valimar, Portugal:
http://geo.valimardigital.pt/maps/geoportal/Developed by a local Partner (Timestamp) for a "Digital Region".
In the map you can find some information (POI, Pedestrian paths, streets).

Department of Employment, Belgium
It uses OBI EE and MapViewer to show unemployment rates. The site is part of: www.werk.be - In werk.be click left on Cijfers en onderzoekàCijfers
Then choose:
Start interactieve toepassing VAR
Or go directly to the BI EE / Oracle Maps Entry Screen.
http://www.geonetz-greven.de/ - City Portal, Germany - .NET User Interface integrated with Oracle Maps. More screenshots in separate article.

(added 03.03.2010)
Landesamt für Umwelt, Wasser-wirtschaft und Gewerbeaufsicht Rheinland-Pfalz
Mainz, Deutschland: Messstellen Verwaltung:
added: 16.08.2011 -more details in this separate article.
Oracle compilation of links using Mapviewer/Oracle Maps:
more to come . . . - stay tuned !